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1953 TV Guides
1954 TV Guides
1955 Topps baseball cards
1955 TV Guides
1956 football cards
1956 Topps Baseball cards
1956 TV Guides
1957 Topps Baseball cards
1957 TV Guides
1958 Topps baseball cards
1958 TV Guides
1959 baseball cards
1959 TV Guides
1960 baseball cards
1960 Boston Sunday Herald TV
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Afghanistan - AFG
Albanië - ALB
Algerije - DZA
Amerikaans-Samoa - ASM
Andorra - AND
Angola - AGO
Anguilla - AIA
Antigua en Barbuda - ATG
Argentinië - ARG
Armenië - ARM
Aruba - ABW
Australië - AUS
Azerbeidzjan - AZE
Bahama's - BHS
Bahrein - BHR
Bangladesh - BGD
Barbados - BRB
België - BEL
Belize - BLZ
Benin - BEN
Bermuda - BMU
Bhutan - BTN
Birma - MMR
Bolivia - BOL
Bosnië en Herzegovina - BIH
Botswana - BWA
Brazilië - BRA
Britse Maagdeneilanden - VGB
Brunei Darussalam - BRN
Bulgarije - BGR
Burkina Faso - BFA
Burundi - BDI
Cambodja - KHM
Canada - CAN
Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek - CAF
Chili - CHL
China - CHN
Colombia - COL
Comoren - COM
Congo, Democratische Republiek - COD
Congo, de Republiek - COG
Cookeilanden - COK
Costa Rica - CRI
Cyprus - CYP
Denemarken - DNK
Djibouti - DJI
Dominica - DMA
Dominicaanse Republiek - DOM
Duitsland - DEU
Ecuador - ECU
Egypte - EGY
El Salvador - SLV
Equatoriaal-Guinee - GNQ
Eritrea - ERI
Estland - EST
Ethiopië - ETH
Falklandeilanden (Islas Malvinas) - FLK
Fiji - FJI
Filipijnen - PHL
Finland - FIN
Frankrijk - FRA
Frans-Guyana - GUF
Frans-Polynesië - PYF
Gabon - GAB
Gambia - GMB
Georgië - GEO
Ghana - GHA
Gibraltar - GIB
Grenada - GRD
Griekenland - GRC
Groenland - GRL
Guadeloupe - GLP
Guam - GUM
Guatemala - GTM
Guernsey - GG
Guinee - GIN
Guinee-Bissau - GNB
Guyana - GUY
Haïti - HTI
Honduras - HND
Hongarije - HUN
Hongkong - HKG
Ierland - IRL
IJsland - ISL
India - IND
Indonesië - IDN
Israël - ISR
Italië - ITA
Ivoorkust - CIV
Jamaica - JAM
Japan - JPN
Jemen - YEM
Jersey - JE
Jordanië - JOR
Kaaimaneilanden - CYM
Kaapverdische eilanden - CPV
Kameroen - CMR
Kazachstan - KAZ
Kenia - KEN
Kirgizië - KGZ
Kiribati - KIR
Koeweit - KWT
Kroatië - HRV
Laos - LAO
Letland - LVA
Libanon - LBN
Liechtenstein - LIE
Litouwen - LTU
Luxemburg - LUX
Maagdeneilanden (VS) - VIR
Macau - MAC
Macedonië - MKD
Madagaskar - MDG
Malawi - MWI
Maldiven - MDV
Maleisië - MYS
Mali - MLI
Malta - MLT
Marokko - MAR
Marshalleilanden - MHL
Martinique - MTQ
Mauritanië - MRT
Mauritius - MUS
Mayotte - MYT
Mexico - MEX
Micronesië - FSM
Moldavië - MDA
Monaco - MCO
Mongolië - MNG
Montenegro - MNE
Montserrat - MSR
Mozambique - MOZ
Namibië - NAM
Nauru - NRU
Nederland - NLD
Nederlandse Antillen - ANT
Nepal - NPL
Nicaragua - NIC
Nieuw-Caledonië - NCL
Nieuw-Zeeland - NZL
Niger - NER
Nigeria - NGA
Niue - NIU
Noorwegen - NOR
Oeganda - UGA
Oekraïne - UKR
Oezbekistan - UZB
Oman - OMN
Oostenrijk - AUT
Pakistan - PAK
Palau - PLW
Panama - PAN
Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea - PNG
Paraguay - PRY
Peru - PER
Polen - POL
Portugal - PRT
Puerto Rico - PRI
Qatar - QAT
Réunion - REU
Roemenië - ROU
Russische Federatie - RUS
Rwanda - RWA
Saint Kitts en Nevis - KNA
Saint Lucia - LCA
Saint Pierre en Miquelon - SPM
Saint Vincent en de Grenadines - VCT
Salomonseilanden - SLB
San Marino - SMR
Saudi-Arabië - SAU
Senegal - SEN
Servië - SRB
Seychellen - SYC
Sierra Leone - SLE
Singapore - SGP
Sint-Helena - SHN
Slovenië - SVN
Slowakije - SVK
Somalië - SOM
Spanje - ESP
Sri Lanka - LKA
Suriname - SUR
Swaziland - SWZ
Tadzjikistan - TJK
Taiwan - TWN
Tanzania - TZA
Thailand - THA
Togo - TGO
Tonga - TON
Trinidad en Tobago - TTO
Tsjaad - TCD
Tsjechië - CZE
Tunesië - TUN
Turkije - TUR
Turkmenistan - TKM
Turks- en Caicoseilanden - TCA
Tuvalu - TUV
Uruguay - URU
Vanuatu - VUT
Vaticaanstad - VAT
Venezuela - VEN
Verenigde Arabische Emiraten - ARE
Verenigde Staten - USA
Verenigd Koninkrijk - GBR
Vietnam - VNM
Wallis en Futuna - WLF
Westelijke Sahara - ESH
Westelijk Samoa - WSM
Wit-Rusland - BLR
Zambia - ZMB
Zimbabwe - ZWE
Zuid-Afrika - ZAF
Zuid-Korea - KOR
Zweden - SWE
Zwitserland - CHE
Alle rubrieken
1953 TV Guides
1954 TV Guides
1955 Topps baseball cards
1955 TV Guides
1956 football cards
1956 Topps Baseball cards
1956 TV Guides
1957 Topps Baseball cards
1957 TV Guides
1958 Topps baseball cards
1958 TV Guides
1959 baseball cards
1959 TV Guides
1960 baseball cards
1960 Boston Sunday Herald TV
1960 Fleer Baseball Greats
1960 Topps Football cards
1960 TV Guides
1961 baseball cards
1961 Golden Press signed cards
1961 Post Cereal cards
1961 TV Guides
1962 baseball cards
1962 Post Cereal cards
1962 TV Guides
1963 baseball cards
1963 Post Cereal cards
1963 TV Guides
1964 baseball cards
1964 TV Guides
1965 baseball cards
1965 Topps embossed
1965 TV Guides
1966 baseball cards
1966 TV Guides
1967 baseball cards
1967 Topps Baseball Cards
1967 TV Guides
1968 baseball cards
1968 football cards
1968 Topps Game Cards
1968 TV Guides
1969 baseball cards
1969 Topps baseball cards
1969 Topps Deckle Edge Cards
1969 Topps stamp album
1969 TV Guides
1970 baseball cards
1970 basketball cards
1970 Milton Bradley cards
1970 Topps Baseball Cards
1970 Topps Scratch Off
1970 Topps Super
1970 TV Guides
1970-71 Basketball Posters
1970-71 Topps basketball cards
1971 football cards
1971 hockey story booklets
1971 Topps Baseball Cards
1971 Topps Football Posters
1971 Topps Super
1971 TV Guides
1972 Topps Baseball Cards
1972 Topps Campaign posters
1972 TV Guides
1972-73 Topps Basketball Cards
1973 TV Guides
1974 Topps Baseball Cards
1974 TV Guides
1975 football cards
1975 TV Guides
1976 Safelon lunch bags
1976 Topps Football Cards
1976 TV Guides
1977 football cards
1977 TV Guides
1978 Kellogg's 3-D Super Stars
1978 TV Guides
1979 TV Guides
1980 football cards
1980 TV Guides
1981 TV Guides
1982 TV Guides
1983 football cards
1983 stamp souvenir pages
1983 TV Guides
1984 TV Guides
1985 TV Guides
1986 TV Guides
1987 TV Guides
1988 TV Guides
1989 TV Guides
1990 TV Guides
1991 TV Guides
1992 TV Guides
1993 TV Guides
1994 TV Guides
1995 TV Guides
1996 S. I. Olympic Daily
1996 TV Guides
1997 TV Guides
1998 TV Guides
1999 TV Guides
2000 TV Guides
2001 TV Guides
2002 TV Guides
2003 TV Guides
500 Cards Star Notebooks
African American History
African American Tax Document
Albany NY Times Union View Mag
Angels signed baseball cards
Ann Harbor News TV Magazine
Ansco Camera
Armchair Detective Magazine
Art Pictures
Astros signed baseball cards
Athletics signed baseball card
Atlanta Braves team picture
Australian TV Week Mag
Autographed books
autographed photos
Automobile Wiring Diagrams
Baltimore American T-Vue Time
baseball cards
Baseball Coke posters
baseball magazines
Baseball place mats
Baseball posters
baseball stamp albums
Baseball Team Pictures
Baseball yearbooks
Blue Jays signed baseball card
Boston Sunday Globe TV Week
Boston Sunday Herald TVue
boxing magazines
Boxoffice Magazine
Braves Pizza Hut Placemats
Braves signed baseball cards
Braves team signed baseball
Braves yearbooks
Brewers signed baseball cards
Cablevision TV Magazine
campaign pinback buttons
Cardinals signed baseball card
Chicago Daily News TV Magazine
Chicago Sun-Times TV Prevue
Chicago Tribune TV Week
Cleveland Press TV Showtime
Collectible books
college sports programs
commemorative stamps
Cubs signed baseball cards
Democrat & Chronicle TV Tab
detective magazines
Detroit Free Press TV Book/Mag
Detroit News Television Magaz
Disney News Magazine
Dodgers signed baseball cards
Educational teaching materials
Elson-Gray Basic Readers
Entertainment Weekly Magazine
Expos signed baseball cards
Films and Filming Magazine
Flint Michigan Journal TV Mag
football cards
Frost pocket knife
Georgia Bulldogs
Giants signed baseball cards
Golf signed item
High School Annuals
hockey cards
horse racing/jockey signed
Indianapolis TV News
Indians signed baseball cards
Jackson MIchigan TV Magazine
Jimmy Carter campaign buttons
L.A. Herald Examiner TV Weekly
Lafayette High School Buffalo
Lancaster Pa TV Week
limited edition art prints
Little Debbie President cards
Mariners signed baseball cards
Maritime Collectibles
Marlins signed baseball cards
Mets signed baseball cards
Minneapolis Star/Tribune TV Wk
movie star magazines
N Y Journal American TV Mag.
NASA Astronauts
Negro Leagues
New Haven Register
Newark NJ Star Ledger Scanner
Olympic items
Orioles signed baseball cards
Padres signed baseball cards
Paperback books
paperback books-tv shows
Parade Magazine
Pasadena Ca. Star-News TV Week
People Magazine
Perez Steele postcards
Philadelphia Bulletin TV Time
Philadelphia Inquirer TV Week
Phillies signed baseball cards
Picturegoer Film Weekly Magaz
Pirates signed baseball cards
pocket knife
politician signed photos
Portland Oregon TV Life Mag
post cereal baseball cards
Premiere Movie Magazine
presidential campaign posters
presidential cards
Rangers signed baseball cards
Red Sox signed baseball cards
Reds signed baseball cards
Rockies signed baseball cards
Rodeo signed item
Royals signed baseball cards
Santa Ana Register TV Mag
Scranton, Pa. TV Times
Scrapbooks-TV/Movie Stars
Seattle Post TV Prevues Mag
Senators signed baseball cards
signed baseball
signed baseball cards
signed baseball item
signed baseball photo
signed basketball cards
signed basketball photo
signed books
signed bowling item
signed boxing photo
signed Captain of ship items
signed checks
signed cookbooks
signed first day covers
signed football cards
signed football photo
signed hall of fame plaque
signed iditarod item
signed index card
signed movie star photo
signed Nascar item
signed religious books
signed tennis photo
signed TV Guides
signed wildlife prints
signed wrestling photo
South Middlesex News TV Viewer
Sporting News Ads/Photos
sports cards
Sports Illustrated Magazine
Sports Illustrated/Kids Cards
sports magazines
St. Louis Browns signed cards
St. Louis Post-Dispatch TV Mag
team signed baseball
tennis signed photo
The Chautauquan magazine
The Detroit News
The N Y Times TV Magazine
The News American(Balt.-Wash.)
The News Tribune(Ma)Video Mag
The State North Carolina Magaz
theater programs
Thirteen PBS Guide Magazine
This Week Magazine
Tiger Beat/Teen Beat Magazine
Tigers signed baseball cards
Time-Life Books
True Confessions magazines
True Story magazines
TV Guides
TV Host
TV Radio Mirror Magazine
TV Time and Channel
TV Today(Mich/Ohio)
Twins signed baseball cards
umpire signed item
United Kingdom TV Times Mag(UK
US Magazines
vintage art journals
vintage opera
Vinyl Records
Virginia Wildlife Magazines
Walt Disney World Eyes & Ears
Washington Sunday Star TV Mag.
White Sox signed baseball card
wildlife magazines
Wilkes-Barre Pa. Times Leader
wiring diagrams
World War II/War Heroes
wrestling magazines
Yankees signed baseball cards
Yesterday/Nostalgia News Mags
wildlife magazines
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Koopvorm: Alle aanbiedingen
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Objectstaat: Alle objectstaten
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Lot of 11 1972 "Virginia Wildlife" Magazines(January-March & May- December)
EUR 27,63
Lot of 7 -- 2,004 "Virginia Wildlife" Magazines(January-July)
EUR 23,02
Lot of 9 -- 2,002 "Virginia Wildlife" Magazines
EUR 25,78
Lot of 2 1997 & 5 1999 "Virginia Wildlife" Magazines(7 Magazines)
EUR 24,86
Lot of 5 1991 & 3 1992 "Virginia Wildlife" Magazines(8 Magazines)
EUR 24,86
Lot of 11 1983 "Virginia Wildlife" Magazines(Jan-Sept/Nov-Dec)
EUR 27,63
Lot of 12 (Complete Year)1993 "Virginia Wildlife" Magazines(Jan-December)
EUR 27,63
Lot of 12 (Complete Year)1982 "Virginia Wildlife" Magazines(Jan-December)
EUR 31,31
Lot of 12 (Complete Year) 2,001 "Virginia Wildlife" Magazines(Jan-December)
EUR 27,63
Lot of 7 1969 "Virginia Wildlife" Magazines(JAN-FEB-AP-MAY-JUNE-JULY-AUG.)
EUR 31,31
Lot of 12 (Complete Year)1975 "Virginia Wildlife" Magazines(Jan-December)
EUR 31,31
Lot of 10 2,000 "Virginia Wildlife" Magazines(March-December)
EUR 25,78
Lot of 10 1990 "Virginia Wildlife" Magazines(March-December)
EUR 25,78
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11 dec 2001
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good seller fast shipping nice autograph.
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Excellent product and service.
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Terrific item, expertly packaged and delivered quickly.
b***o (666)
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A+ fast shipping and product as described.
o***1 (475)
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Great vintage magazine!
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