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Analysis and Algebra on Differentiable Manifolds: A Workbook for Students and Te

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Book Title
Analysis and Algebra on Differentiable Manifolds

Over dit product

Product Identifiers

Springer Netherlands
eBay Product ID (ePID)

Product Key Features

Number of Pages
Xxvi, 618 Pages
Publication Name
Analysis and Algebra on Differentiable Manifolds : a Workbook for Students and Teachers
Geometry / Differential, Algebra / General
Publication Year
Ihor V. Mykytyuk, Pedro M. Gadea, Jaime Muñoz Masqué
Subject Area
Problem Books in Mathematics Ser.


Item Weight
422.7 Oz
Item Length
9.3 in
Item Width
6.1 in

Additional Product Features

Edition Number
Intended Audience
Scholarly & Professional
The authors have made quite a few interesting and timely additions to their first edition including an elegant proof of the fact that the real projective plane minus a point is diffeomorphic with the infinite Mobius strip, and expanded coverage of Hamiltonian and Hopf vector fields. Professors Gadea, Masqu and Mykytyuk have produced a workbook that appears to be an equally useful supplement for either a primarily theoretical or an application oriented course on differential geometry or differential topology. This exceptional workbook puts me in mind of a mightily enhanced Schaum's outline, and I have an abiding respect for the educational value of the Schaum's series. A mastery of the material in this workbook would, I think, stand as compelling evidence of a very strong grounding in the fundamentals of modern differential geometry and related areas. The authors deserve kudos for this admirable contribution to Springer's Problem Books in Mathematics series. It is bound to be an excellent learning tool for students of differential geometry and differential topology at any level as well as a handy reference for experts in these fields. In the gallery of scientific self-help literature, in which kitsch abounds, this workbook certainly qualifies as high art. One thing for sure, when next I teach a course in differential geometry or differential topology, I am certainly going to recommend this workbook as a supplementary text. Denis Blackmore Professor of Mathematical Sciences New Jersey Institute of Technology ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is the second edition of a book which first appeared in 2001 under the name of the first two authors only. Its main intention is to provide a large collection of worked-out problems and exercises on modern differential geometry at an advanced undergraduate and graduate level. The prerequisites are some knowledge of linear and multilinear algebra, the calculus of several variables, point-set topology and some acquaintance with the concept of a manifold and the topology of fibre bundles. The book contains 412 solved problems of varying degree of complexity and difficulty. They are spread over the first six chapters which deal with, respectively, the following topics: differentiable manifolds, tensor fields and differential forms, integration on manifolds, Lie groups, fibre bundles and Riemannian geometry. Each chapter starts with a brief overview of the main definitions, concepts and properties of the topic involved, and ends by making reference to some useful books for further reading. The material is presented in a clear and lucid way. With respect to the first edition, 39 problems have been deleted and 76 new problems have been added with, among others, some problems on symplectic geometry and Hamiltonian mechanics, on the adjoint representation of a Lie group, on homogeneous spaces related to the exceptional Lie group G_2, on the Godbillon-Vey class, and on the structure of the Kodaira-Thurston manifold. The final chapter, Chapter 7, provides an extended list of formulae from the calculus on manifolds, and tables concerning important spaces and Lie groups. This book, which is rather unique in its kind, can be regarded as a valuable training book for everyone interested in becoming acquainted with the language and techniques of modern differential geometry. In particular, it can serve as a most helpful tool, both for students and teachers of a course on the subject. Moreover, the book is very nicely edited, containing many illustrative figures. Frans Cantrijn Department of Mathematics Ghent University, The authors have made quite a few interesting and timely additions to their first edition including an elegant proof of the fact that the real projective plane minus a point is diffeomorphic with the infinite Mobius strip, and expanded coverage of Hamiltonian and Hopf vector fields. Professors Gadea, Masqué and Mykytyuk have produced a workbook that appears to be an equally useful supplement for either a primarily theoretical or an application oriented course on differential geometry or differential topology. This exceptional workbook puts me in mind of a mightily enhanced Schaum's outline, and I have an abiding respect for the educational value of the Schaum's series. A mastery of the material in this workbook would, I think, stand as compelling evidence of a very strong grounding in the fundamentals of modern differential geometry and related areas. The authors deserve kudos for this admirable contribution to Springer's Problem Books in Mathematics series. It is bound to be an excellent learning tool for students of differential geometry and differential topology at any level as well as a handy reference for experts in these fields. In the gallery of scientific self-help literature, in which kitsch abounds, this workbook certainly qualifies as high art. One thing for sure, when next I teach a course in differential geometry or differential topology, I am certainly going to recommend this workbook as a supplementary text. Denis BlackmoreProfessor of Mathematical SciencesNew Jersey Institute of Technology
Dewey Edition
Number of Volumes
1 vol.
Dewey Decimal
Table Of Content
Differentiable manifolds.- Tensor Fields and Differential Forms.- Integration on Manifolds.- Lie Groups.- Fibre Bundles.- Riemannian Geometry.- Some Formulas and Tables.
This is the second edition of this best selling problem book for students, now containing over 400 completely solved exercises on differentiable manifolds, Lie theory, fibre bundles and Riemannian manifolds. The exercises go from elementary computations to rather sophisticated tools. Many of the definitions and theorems used throughout are explained in the first section of each chapter where they appear. A 56-page collection of formulae is included which can be useful as an aide-memoire, even for teachers and researchers on those topics. In this 2nd edition: 76 new problems a section devoted to a generalization of Gauss' Lemma a short novel section dealing with some properties of the energy of Hopf vector fields an expanded collection of formulae and tables an extended bibliography Audience This book will be useful to advanced undergraduate and graduate students of mathematics, theoretical physics and some branches of engineering with a rudimentary knowledge of linear and multilinear algebra., This new edition offers solved exercises on differentiable manifolds, Lie groups, fibre bundles and Riemannian manifolds. Includes exercises ranging from elementary computations to sophisticated tools, and studies solved problems of differentiable manifolds., This is the second edition of this best selling problem book for students, now containing over 400 completely solved exercises on differentiable manifolds, Lie theory, fibre bundles and Riemannian manifolds. The exercises go from elementary computations to rather sophisticated tools. Many of the definitions and theorems used throughout are explained in the first section of each chapter where they appear. A 56-page collection of formulae is included which can be useful as an aide-mémoire, even for teachers and researchers on those topics. In this 2nd edition: * 76 new problems * a section devoted to a generalization of Gauss' Lemma * a short novel section dealing with some properties of the energy of Hopf vector fields * an expanded collection of formulae and tables * an extended bibliography Audience This book will be useful to advanced undergraduate and graduate students of mathematics, theoretical physics and some branches of engineering with a rudimentary knowledge of linear and multilinear algebra.
LC Classification Number

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